Monday, September 24, 2012

turbulence taking over
drowning out the croons.
i'm always difficult
and you can't be fucked.
we waltz and made promises
that won't stick, but we try
and we try and we are sublime.

i paint my heart black,
to take the piss, and you
take it literally and walk
out of the room, but
seriously sweet,
how can i deface something
that isn't mine?

even in the summertime
we get wasp stings, and
even in the winter the fire's
warm. its just context
its just how far one of us
pushes the trigger. well i
seem to push it too far
and it backfires and layers
my face in ash, so that when
you lean in to kiss me, all
you get is a mouth that's bitter.

bring home a block of butter
before you open the door.
remember i'm temporal
in notions and airs. i'm a
tempest and you're the
shore bearing the brute
force of my swings.

you know i don't mean it.
i just circle and circle above
until i dive, and crash into the
sand (i can't get my head out
of the sand, and i'm so full of shit).

you're just so still, and straight,
and drunk, and all i do is swirl
around you.  i'm like an enthusiastic
old car. it doesn't take much
to get me going, but i come
with a mechanic bill a mile long.

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